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All books available in the CASE book borrowing library are below.
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The library is located in SI 1027.
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Design Studies: A Reader, Clark, Brody
Exploring Art A Global Thematic Approach 5th edition, Schlesier
Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology 7th edition, Martini
Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy 12th edition, Agur, Dalley
Human Anatomy and Physiology 9th edition, Marieb, Hoehn
Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual 9th edition, Marieb, Mitchell
Seeley’s Anatomy and Physiology 13th edition Instructors Evaluation Copy, VanPutte, Regan, Russo
Biology 9th edition, Raven, Johnson, Mason, Losos, Singer
Biology Laboratory Manual 6th edition, Vodopich, Moore
Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life 14th edition, Starr, Taggart, Evers, Starr
Campbell Biology 11th edition, Urry, Cain, Minorsky, Wasserman, Reece
Campbell Biology 9th edition, Reece, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Jackson x4 (one is split between two binders)
Campbell Biology Custom Edition for MSU BIO 1080/General Biology I, Reece, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Jackson x3
Campbell Biology Custom Edition for MSU BIO 1081/General Biology II, Taken from Campbell Biology 11th edition, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Reece
Campbell Biology Revised Custom edition for MSU BIO 1080/General Biology I, Taken from Campbell Biology 11th edition, Urry, Cain, Wasserman, Minorsky, Reece x2
Laboratory Introduction to General Biology 11th edition for Biology 1090, McArthur, Tkach
Laboratory Introduction to General Biology 13th edition for Biology 1090, McArthur, Tkach
Principles of Biology 4th edition Instructors Evaluation Copy, Brooker, Widmaier, Graham, Stiling
Understanding Biology, Mason, Johnson, Losos, Singer
Plague Time How Stealth Infections Cause Cancers, Heart Disease, and Other Deadly Ailments, Ewald
The Biology of Cancer 2nd edition and Media Guide, Weinberg
Instructor’s Lab Manual for Biology Labs On-Line Palladino, Desharnais, Bell – Cummings
Investigating Biology Laboratory Manual 6th edition, Morgan, Brown Carter
An Introduction to Plant Structure and Development Plant Anatomy for the Twenty-First Century 2nd edition, Beck
Becker’s The World of The Cell 8th edition, Hardin, Bertoni, Kleinsmith (2 books)
Concepts of Genetics 3rd edition, Brooker x2
Concepts of Genetics 4th edition Instructor’s Evaluation, Brooker, x2
Concepts of Genetics 9th edition, Klug, Cummings, Spencer, Palladino
Concepts Of Genetics, Brooker
Essential Genetics A Genomics Perspective 5th edition, Hard
Essentials of Genetics 10th edition, Klug, Cummings, Spencer, Palladino, Killian x2
Essentials of Genetics 7th edition, Klug, Cummings, Spencer, Palladino
Exploring Anatomy and Physiology in the Laboratory, Amerman
Genetic Analysis 2nd edition, Meneely
Genetic Analysis an Integrated Approach 2nd edition, Sanders, Bowman
Genetic Analysis an Integrated Approach 3rd edition, Sanders, Bowman x2
Genetic Investigations for the Laboratory 3rd edition, Seipelt, Clark, Mathis
Genetics Analysis an Integrated Approach, Sanders, Bowman
Genetics Analysis and Principles 6th edition, Brooker
Genetics from Genes to Genomes 5th edition, Hartwell, Goldberg, Fischer, Hood
Genetics from Genes to Genomes, Hartwell, Hood, Goldberg, Reynolds, Silver, Veres
Genetics Genes, Genomes, and Evolution, Meneely, Dawes Hoang, Okeke, Heston x2
Genetics Laboratory Investigations 14th edition, Mertens, Hammersmith
Genomics A Very Short Introduction, Archibald
How to Solve Genetics Problems, Nickla x2
Human Heredity Principles and Issues 10th edition, Cummings
iGenetics A Molecular Approach 3rd edition, Russel
Insect Molecular Genetics 2nd edition, Hoy
Introduction to Genetic Analysis 11th edition, Griffiths, Wessler, Carroll, Doebley
Introduction to Genetics Analysis 9th edition, Griffiths, Wessley, Lewontin, Carroll.
Laboratory Manual of Genetics 4th edition, Winchester, Wejksnora
Solutions Mega Manual for Introduction to Genetic Analysis 9th edition, Griffiths, Wessley, Lewontin, Carroll
Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Genetic Analysis an Integrated Approach Sanders, Bowman – Mirabito x2
Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Genetic Analysis an Integrated Approach 2nd edition, Sanders, Bowman – Mirabito
Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Genetic Analysis an Integrated Approach 3rd edition, Sanders, Bowman – Mirabito
Study Guide and Solutions Manual for iGenetics: A Mendelian Approach, Russell, Chase
Thrive in Genetics, Thomas
Ecology Concepts and Applications 4th edition, Molles
Ecology Concepts and Applications 8th edition, Molles, Sher
Ecology Global Insights and Investigations, Stilling
Ecology, Cain, Bowman, Hacker
Economy of Nature 5th edition, Ricklefs
Evolution 2nd edition, Ridley
Evolution Lab Biology Labs On-Line Subscription and Lab Manual, Desharnais, Bell, Palladino
Strickberger’s Evolution 5th edition, Jones and Bartlett Student Edition, Hall, Hallgrimsson
Evolution An Introduction 2nd edition, Stearns, Hoekstra
In The Light of Evolution: Essays from the Laboratory and Field, edited by Losos
Evolutionary Analysis 5th edition, Herron, Freeman
Human Biology 10th edition, Mader x4
Biology of the Invertebrates 7th edition, Pechenik
Microbiology 2nd edition Evaluation Copy, Wessner, Dupont, Charles, Neufeld
Prescott’s Microbiology 9th edition, Wiley, Sherwood, Woolverton
Visualizing Microbiology Evaluation Copy, Anderson, Young
Fundamental Molecular Biology 2nd edition, Allison
Molecular Cloning Volume 1 third edition, Sambrook, Russell
Molecular Cloning Volume 2 third edition, Sambrook, Russell
Molecular Cloning Volume 3 third edition, Sambrook, Russell
Molecular Evolution: A Statistical Approach, Yang
Foundations of Parasitology 8th edition, Roberts, Janovy
Zoology 8th edition, Miller, Harley
Invertebrate Zoology 7th edition, Ruppert, Fox, Barnes
A Photographic Atlas for the Zoology Laboratory 5th edition, Van De Graaff, Crawley
Contemporary Chemical Analysis, Rubinson, Rubinson
Quantitative Chemical Analysis 8th edition, Harris
Solutions Manual for Quantitative Chemical Analysis 8th edition, Harris
Chemistry 2nd edition, Gilbert, Kirss, Foster, Davies
Chemistry 3rd edition, Gilbert, Kirss, Foster, Davies
Chemistry A Guided Inquiry 6th edition, Moog, Farrel
General Chemistry Principles and Modern Applications 9th edition, Petrucci, Harwood, Herring, Madura
Introductory Chemistry 4th edition, Tro
Introductory Chemistry 5th edition, Tro
Principles of Chemistry A Molecular Approach 2nd edition, Tro x2
Principles of Chemistry A Molecular Approach 3rd edition, Tro
Principles of Chemistry Laboratory Manual 2nd edition, Ball x2
Selected Solutions Manual for Principles of Chemistry a Molecular Approach 2nd edition Tro, Kramer
Solutions Manual for Principles of Chemistry a Molecular Approach 2nd edition Tro, Kramer
2014 U.S National Chemistry Olympiad Local Section Exam
ACS Organic Chemistry Exams The Official Guide x3
Practice Final Exam: Kinetics, Chemical Equilibrium, Acids and Bases, Buffers and Solubility Equilibria, Thermodynamics and Free Energy, Electrochemistry, and Nuclear Chemistry
Preparing for your ACS Examination in General Chemistry Official Guide, Eubanks, Eubanks
Forensic Chemistry 2nd edition, Bell
Advanced Organic Chemistry 4th edition, Cary, Sundberg
Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry, Hein, Best, Pattinson, Arena
Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques A Small Scale Approach 2nd edition, Pavia, Lampman, Kriz, Engel
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 4th edition, Nelson, Cox
Organic Chemistry 5th edition, Loudon
Organic Chemistry 6th edition, Loudon, Paise
Organic Chemistry 7th edition, Bruice
Organic Chemistry 7th edition, McMurray
Organic Chemistry 8th edition, Wade
Organic Chemistry as a Second Language First Semester Topics, Klein
Student Access Code Card for Organic Chemistry 8th edition, Bruice
Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry 5th edition Loudon, Loudon, Stowell
Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry 6th edition Loudon Parise- Parise, Loudon.
Study Guide and Solutions Manual for Organic Chemistry 7th edition, Bruice
International Ethics in Chemistry Developing Common Values Across Cultures, Schelbe, Elkins
Communication Between Cultures 7th edition, Samovar, Porter, McDaniel
Objects First with Java A Practical Introduction using BlueJ 5th edition, Barnes, Kölling
Geeky Pedagogy A Guide for Intellectuals, Introverts, and Nerds Who Want to be Effective Teachers, Neuhaus, x19
Inclusive Teaching Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom, Hogan, Sathy x19
Organized Teacher, Happy Classroom, Unger
Study Like A Champ, Gurung, Dunlosky x19
Teach Like A Champion, Lemov
Teachers Wanted: Attracting and Retaining Good Teachers, Heller
The Power of Problem-Based Learning, Duch, Groh, Allen
Environment The Science Behind the Stories 5th edition, Withgott, Laposata x3
Essential Environment the science behind the stories, Withgott, Laposata
Student Access Code Card for Environment The Science Behind the Stories 5th edition, Withgott, Laposata
Elemental Geosystems 7th edition, Christopherson
The Cultural Landscape An introduction to Human Geography 13th edition, Rubenstein Other
World Regions in Global Context Peoples, Places, and Environments 2nd edition, Marston, Knox, Liverman
World Regions in Global Context Peoples, Places, and Environments 3rd edition, Marston, Knox, Liverman
World Regions in Global Context Peoples, Places, and Environments 4th edition, Marston, Knox, Liverman, Del Casino, Robbins
Introduction to Geospatial Technologies 5th edition, Shellito
Mastering ArcGIS 8th edition, Price
Spatial Scale Workshop
Meteorology Today AN Introduction to weather, climate, and the environment 10th edition, Ahrens
Why Scientists Disagree about Global Warming the NIPCC Report on Scientific Consensus, Idso, Carter, Singer.
Essentials of Oceanography 12th edition, Trujillo, Thurman
Introduction to Water Resources and Environmental Issues, Pennington, Cech
Principles of Water Resources 3rd edition, Cech
An Apache Odyssey Indeh, Ball, Henn, Sanchez
Concepts in American History, Asher
First Peoples A Documentary Survey of American Indian History 4th edition, Calloway
Society and the Technological Change, 7th edition, Worth
Women’s History in Global Perspective Volume 2, Smith
Women’s History in Global Perspective Volume 3, Smith
Backpack Literature, an Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing 4th edition, Kennedy, Gioia
The Rainbow Troops, Hirata
Algebra 2 College Preparatory Mathematics, Mathematics 3, 2nd edition, Sallee, Kysh, Kasimatis, Hoey
Cliffs Quick Review Basic Math and Prealgebra
College Algebra 10th edition, Sullivan x2
College Algebra 9th edition Answers Included, Sullivan, x2
College Algebra 9th edition, Sullivan x3
College Algebra 9th edition, Sullivan, MyMathLab Student Access Kit
College Algebra Concepts and Contexts, Stewart, Redlin, Watson, Panman
College Algebra Through Modeling Custom Edition, Stewart, Redlin, Watson, Panman
Intermediate Algebra 7th edition, Martin-Gay
Intermediate Algebra with Consortium for Foundation Mathematics Selections, Custom Edition for CCD
Prealgebra, MAT 060 CCD
Student’s Solutions Manual College Algebra 9th Edition, Sullivan x2
Student Solutions Manual for Algebra and Trigonometry Graphs and Models 4th edition and Precalculus Graphs and Models 4th edition, Bittinger, Beecher, Ellenbogen, Penna.
Calculus for Scientists and Engineers Early Transcendentals, Briggs, Cochran, Gillett
Precalculus 5th edition, Faires, DeFranza
Student Study Guide with Solutions, Precalculus 5th edition, Faires, DeFranza
Teacher’s Guide Thinking with Mathematical Models, Lappan, Phillips, Fey, Friel
Algebra And Trigonometry Graphs and Models 4th edition, Bittinger, Beecher, Ellenbogen, Penna
Student Solutions Manual for Stewart, Redlin, and Watson’s Trigonometry, Banks.
Applied Linear Regression Models 4th edition, Kutner, Nachsteim, Neter
Core-Plus Mathematics Contemporary Mathematics in Context 2nd edition
Mathematics for Human Flourishing, Su
Jazz Styles 11th edition, Gridley
The World of Music 8th edition, Willoughby
A Pre Socratics Reader 2nd edition, Hackett
Descartes Discourse on Method 3rd edition, Hackett, translated by Cress
Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy 3rd edition, Hackett, translated by Cress
Five Dialogues Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo 2nd edition, Plato translated by Grube
Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, Kant
Hume An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 2nd edition, Hackett x2
Leviathan, Hobbes
Plato Theaetetus, Sachs
Selected Writings, Marx, edited by Simon
The Logic of Chance the Nature and Origin of Biological Evolution, Koonin
The Systems Approach, Churchman
The Trial and Death of Socrates Four Dialogues, Plato, Dover Thrift Editions
Utilitarianism and the 1868 Speech on Capital Punishment 2nd edition, Mill
Way to Wisdom Introduction to Philosophy 2nd edition, Jaspers translated by Manheim
College Physics Volume One 4th edition, Giambattista, Richardson, Richardson
Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics 14th edition, Young, Freedman
A Primer in Positive Psychology, Peterson
Psychology 10th edition in modules Special Update for DSM-5, Myers
Social Psychology 11th edition, Myers
Course-Based Undergraduate Research, Hensel x4
Integrating Discovery-Based Research into the Undergraduate Curriculum Report of a Convocation
The Craft of Research 4th edition, Booth, Colomb, Williams, Bizup, Fitzgerald
Espana Y Su Civilización 6th Edition, Ugarte, Ugarte, McNerney
Modelo’s an Integrated Approach for Proficiency in Spanish 2nd edition, Dimitriou, Sweeney, Cortijo
Writer’s Manual with Answer Key Modelo’s an Integrated Approach for Proficiency in Spanish 2nd edition, Dimitriou, Sweeney, Cortijo, Semper Martinez
Public Speaking A Competency Based Approach Custom with The Speaker’s Primer, Huddy
The Speaker’s Primer 2nd edition, Valenzano, Braden, Broeckelman-Post
Quick Access Compact 2nd edition, Troyka, Hesse
The Bedford Book of Genres, a guide and reader 2016 MLS Update, Braziller, Fleinfeld
The Norton Field Guide to Writing 2nd edition, Bullock
Writing Arguments A Rhetorical with Readings 10th edition, Ramage, Bean, Johnson
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